Salesforce Realtime Eligibility with pVerify

The core business of pVerify is Eligibility.

SalesForce Medicare Eligibility and Same or Similar

Easily add pVerify’s Eligibility into your SalesForce App

pVerify offers real-time verification within your existing Salesforce Account. Verify Medicare patient’s in real-time with a press of a button. 

pVerify offers detailed Medicare Eligibility Verification integrated with Salesforce.  Realtime Eligibility includes detailed benefits information specific to Medicare including HMO/PPO Payers, QMB Plans, Hospice Dates, Lifetime Days, Preventative Care Eligibility, and MORE!

pVerify offers integrated Same or Similar Claim History within Salesforce. Determine if a patient has received equipment or medical devices within a 5-year window of time – including interpretation flags- for A, B, E, K, and L Codes.

Salesforce Realtime Eligibility

Meet with one of our API Specialists

pVerify’s hands-on and responsive API Support, pVerify assists with designing your API workflow, acts as a hand-on guide throughout development, and remains a go-to expert post development.

Realtime Healthcare API Eligibility API