Our Medicare Endpoints

The preferred API Endpoints for Medicare Solutions

Medicare MBI Lookup API

A scalable solution for obtaining a patient’s new Medicare MBI ID

About Medicare MBI Lookup APIs


CMS replaced the SSN-based HICN with a new, randomly generated Medicare Beneficiary Identifier and requires the MBI ID for all Eligibility Verification, Claim Submission, reopening requests, and prior authorization requests.

pVerify offers a new, scalable solution for obtaining the new Medicare MBI ID, your patient’s MBI number, quickly and easily by submitting the patient data including SSN/HICN, DOB and Name.

pVerify’s consumable API endpoints are a real-time calls from a client’s own system, sent to pVerify and through to acquire a patient’s new MBI ID with their name, DOB, and SSN/HICN. The API get then returns to pVerify for parsing and then back to the pVerify client, within a matter of seconds.

Examples of Medicare MBI Look-up API Results

Never lose revenue because of an old HICN number or no Medicare ID

  • First/Last Name, DOB plus a patient’s Social Security Number or old HICN.
  • MBI Lookup results include Medicare A & B status and dates.

The Best Healthcare APIs 

pVerify’s robust APIs are available for the following services

Advanced Eligibility

An Eligibility API Call will verify a patient in real-time with unique parsing of benefits.  

Supporting ANSI X12 for consumption of detailed Summary Endpoint 

Recursive Medicare Advantage

Verify a Medicare Advantage Payer automatically from a Medicare transaction, using our proprietary methods, and obtain the MA Plan Subscriber ID and coverage details

Experts in APIs

With hands-on and responsive Healthcare Eligibility API Support, pVerify assists with designing your Healthcare API workflow, acts as a hand-on guide throughout development, and remains a go-to expert post development.

Realtime Healthcare API Eligibility API