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The preferred API Endpoints for Medicare Solutions

Inpatient Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) APIs

pVerify® provides the solution to discover if a patient is currently admitted to a Hospital or Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF)

About Inpatient Inpatient Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) API


Most Eligibility Verification services acquire Home Health, Hospice, and Skilled Nursing Faculty episode details directly from the patient’s verified benefits. Eligibility results for SNF are limited due to the fact the episode must have ended in order for it to be reported.

pVerify provides the ONLY Inpatient Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) API Solution that provides details on current Skilled Nursing Facility and Hospital patients, as early as 72 hours after a patient’s initial admission.

pVerify’s consumable API endpoints are a near real-time calls from a client’s own system, sent to pVerify and through to a payer via one of our redundant connections to obtain a patients current admission details. The API get then returns to pVerify for parsing and then back to the pVerify client, within a matter of seconds.

Inpatient Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) APIs Provide

  • Patient Status
  • Billing Type
  • Billing NPI
  • DOS Start
  • DOS End (if applicable)
  • Admitted Date
  • Discharged Dat

The Best Healthcare APIs 

pVerify’s robust APIs are available for the following services

MBI Lookup

Find a Medicare patient's new MBI ID with their name and SSN/HICN

Inpatient SNF

Discover if a patient is currently admitted to a Hospital or Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF)

Medicare CMN

Review a patient’s Certificate of approved Medical Necessity History

Experts in APIs

With hands-on and responsive Healthcare Eligibility API Support, pVerify assists with designing your Healthcare API workflow, acts as a hand-on guide throughout development, and remains a go-to expert post development.

Realtime Healthcare API Eligibility API